Today WatSan (Water Sanitation) was blessed with the opportunity to go out into the field. The field basically consists of being dropped off in a town and being told to investigate a water system. Clearly, I am not an engineer by any standards but it gave me the chance to see an actual water system and how it works. More than that I was really impressed by the amount I learned just simply getting the chance to interact in the community and get some real hands on experience. It was refreshing really.
Back on the flip side in what I like to call ¨real life¨my grandmother is in the hospital and not doing so well. All I can really ask for are some prayers. It´s weird cause these things are expected from old people, right? I guess my main concern is that I have a father that´s no more than six or seven years younger than my grandmother. Will this happen to him also? Who know? No sense in really worrying about it. I´ve been keeping busy so it´s easy to push these questions to the back of my mind.
Other than that, things are going relatively well. Had a lot of fun today on the field trip, rocking out on the bus, bringing back the old school if you know what I mean. Making some really great friends here. Lots of time to think which is lovely. Clarity is really important in all of this. Lots of clarity.
Hola Giorgi, great to hear you are enjoying yourself. Well done and fair play! So I just Googled Peru facts and the average life expectancy in modern Peru is 63 years for men and 67 years for women. AHHHHH, get the hell outa there!! ;D Miss you loads...
I'm sorry to hear about your grandma. Hang in you and miss you!
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