Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A short one...

I decided to take this opportunity to say something relatively positive about my life right now. The end of my night yesterday turned out to be worth it. I ended up accompanying the Mayor´s secretary to the office of the engineering company that will be working on the new water system in my community. After spending a little too much time talking to one of the more self agrandizing people I´ve met in Peru (the engineer) he offered me a complete diagnostic of the community I am living in. Score!!!! I returned to my house, popped a benadryl so that the 200 plus mosquitoe bites would not wake me in the middle of the night, said a little prayer and passed out. Woke up this morning and took it upon myself to crash a teachers meeting at the school and meet everyone and then the Chief of Police took it upon himself to make me his new friend. Things are looking up...

1 comment:

Em said...

You are so cute!!! see ...hang in there...when you are done it will all be worth it and not many people can say they have the experience you do...what an amazing experience for you to have....its not easy ..but you are doing just dandy..LOL...I HOPE...i miss you tons...i love you and im so proud of you!!