Friday, July 3, 2009


I have been doing a lot of that lately. Just sitting around, thinking. About Peru, about politics, about humanity, love. Ugh...things are so difficult when you have a brain. Don´t get it twisted...I am sooooo happy right now. Really. I´m 27 and things are changing rapidly. I had coffee with a girlfriend this week while I was in Lima and it reminded me of my reality. It reminded me that no matter how much I try keeping true to my identity in my site, I am not who I am while I am there. I´ve done a good job of assimilating but maybe too good of a job. So good that I have forgotten who I am. I am the kind of person that likes eating fancy dinners and spending too much money on shoes. Does that also mean that I can´t be a good volunteer? I love my work, I love the people I live with and I truly do love living this life. I do not regret for one minute leaving behind all of my luxuries but am I missing something?


Sara said...

You're missing being back in the US broke and hunting for a job along with hundreds of other people! Instead you're having the adventure of a lifetime and will have stories to tell for the rest of your life.

Glad to see you writing your blog again!


Tristan said...

Being who you are is a constant process of evolution. The person in your site doesn't have to be you, but it can compliment you perhaps.

Whatever you do, Georgi, don't let yourself get tied up in knots about it and make your questions into problems.

You're strong and intelligent; you'll be fine on your journey in your expensive shoes.