Monday, June 29, 2009

Sorry it´s been so long...

Well, it has been ages since I updated my blog. My apologies to my five friends and mom who actually read this thing. J Where do I start? I can’t really remember how I left off so I will start where I know best. My grandmother passed away on May 17th. I received a phone call early that week from my mother who informed me that my grandmother was found in her nursing home room unconscious. She was rushed to emergency and put on life support. She was in a coma. We waited a couple of days to make the decision when the doctors told us she was not coming back. I arrived in New York on May 16 and the following day I accompanied my mother, her brother and sister and my grandfather to the hospital to say goodbye to my grandmother. It was her choice not to be on life support. We respected her wishes. It was hard but it was harder seeing her in pain the past few years. She’s in peace now. I was only in New York for a week and then I returned to Peru. For the record I will be back for Christmas! My mom and I actually had planned her trip to visit me the following week so she accompanied me back to Peru as planned. My mom was here for 18 days, during that time she had the chance to visit where I live and we also went to Cusco, walked the Inca Trail and saw Machu Picchu. The four day hike on the Inca Trail was a great experience but I can say with almost complete certainty that I will not do it again. It was hard! Let’s just saying climbing a mountain at 14,000 feet isn’t exactly a stroll through the park. None the less, the experience was great. Things are good over her in Peru. Life is pretty normal although slower than I am used to but I think it’s time for a change. Work is also moving along, slowly but things are finally starting to happen. I am happy. I’m not going to lie and say I don’t miss my family and friends but it has become easier over the past 9 months. I know, it’s been 9 months, crazy!!!!! I will admit, leaving New York while I was there for that brief visit was surprisingly easy. Perhaps I have become accustomed to my simple life in Peru. On the other hand, my mom leaving Peru left me crying for several days and with a huge hole in my life that I have yet to occupy. It’s alright because she plans to visit again soon. So, in short, things are good. I don’t know what more to say. I am in the middle of starting some micro-landfills at the Elementary school so when I get that started I will keep you posted with pictures and news. Until then….it’s been real J